Life at Mazza
Our core values start with safety. At Mazza, safety is integrated into all aspects of our business. We are committed to promoting a health and safety first culture through employee involvement to obtain an accident-free work environment while driving continuous improvement beyond the highest standard of compliance.

Million work
Hours award
We have reached a significant safety milestone—one million hours worked without a lost time incident. This milestone comes with a prestigious award that recognizes our core commitment to safety. Companies are given the One Million Safe Man Hours Award when they have zero work-related illnesses, zero injuries, and zero fatalities that involve time away from work for a minimum of one million consecutive work hours. This is not only a testament to our team’s commitment, it’s also a testament to our approach to ensuring our clients receive the best and most sophisticated approach to the design and installation of mechanical systems. Our clients expect that of us, and we are focused on delivering this type of experience and execution.

Mazza Mindset?